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Washington Tolak Petisi Kemerdekaan Texas

Written By remi on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 | 6:07 PM

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Washington Tolak Petisi Kemerdekaan Texas
Jan 16th 2013, 01:12

White House: Texas must remain part of the US

By JUAN CARLOS LLORCA | Associated Press â€" Mon, Jan 14, 2013

EL PASO, Texas (AP) â€" Bad news for thousands of people who wanted to see Texas secede: The state is still in the U.S.

The White House has responded to a petition asking that Texas be allowed to break away from the country, saying the Founding Fathers who created the nation "did not provide a right to walk away from it."

More than 125,000 people signed the petition, which was created a few days after President Barack Obama won re-election. The White House has promised to respond to any petition that gets more than 25,000 signatures within 30 days.

Jon Carson, director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, issued a response quoting Abraham Lincoln's first inaugural address and a Supreme Court opinion after the Civil War. It said America was created as a "perpetual union," but one that allows people with different beliefs to debate the issues.

"Democracy can be noisy and controversial," Carson said. "Free and open debate is what makes this country work. ... But as much as we value a healthy debate, we don't let that debate tear us apart."

The petition was created by Micah Hurd, a Texas National Guardsman and an engineering student at the University of Texas in Arlington. He couldn't be reached for comment Monday.

In asking that Texas be allowed to leave the country, the petition cited the "economic difficulties stemming from the federal government's neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending." It argued that given the size of Texas' economy and because the state has a balanced budget, it would be "practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union."

The petition also said the federal government didn't share the same values held by the Founding Fathers.

But Carson argued that the writers of the U.S. Constitution addressed the need for policy change through elections, not secession.

The petition's success brought overnight fame for Hurd, though briefly got him in trouble. In December, a regiment commander at the Texas National Guard sent an email to his subordinates, including Hurd, saying "any mention of secession better happen on a civilian venue."

"It's only talk, and rather ignorant talk at that," the commander wrote. "If you've already done something to call attention to yourself or our regiment in this matter, make it go away."

But a few days later, a National Guard spokeswoman said Hurd had done nothing wrong and that "the email asking him not to talk about it" shouldn't have been sent.

A telephone listing for Hurd couldn't be found Monday by The Associated Press. His father, who has spoken on behalf of his son in the past, didn't immediately return a phone message.

Spoiler for TERJEMAHAN:
EL PASO, Texas (AP) - Kabar buruk bagi ribuan orang yang ingin melihat Texas memisahkan diri: Negara masih di AS

Gedung Putih telah menanggapi sebuah petisi meminta agar Texas diperbolehkan untuk melepaskan diri dari negara itu, mengatakan para Founding Fathers yang menciptakan bangsa "tidak memberikan hak untuk berjalan jauh dari itu."

Lebih dari 125.000 orang menandatangani petisi, yang diciptakan beberapa hari setelah Presiden Barack Obama memenangkan pemilihan ulang. Gedung Putih telah berjanji untuk menanggapi setiap permohonan yang mendapat lebih dari 25.000 tanda tangan dalam waktu 30 hari.

Jon Carson, direktur Gedung Putih Kantor Keterlibatan Publik, mengeluarkan respon mengutip alamat pertama perdana Abraham Lincoln dan pendapat Mahkamah Agung setelah Perang Sipil. Dikatakan Amerika diciptakan sebagai "persatuan abadi," tapi satu yang memungkinkan orang-orang dengan keyakinan berbeda untuk memperdebatkan masalah.

"Demokrasi bisa menjadi berisik dan kontroversial," kata Carson. "Debat gratis dan terbuka adalah apa yang membuat pekerjaan ini negara .... Tapi sebanyak yang kita menghargai perdebatan yang sehat, kita tidak membiarkan perdebatan yang memisahkan kita."

Petisi itu diciptakan oleh Micah Hurd, seorang Texas Nasional Guardsman dan seorang mahasiswa teknik di University of Texas di Arlington. Dia tidak bisa dihubungi untuk memberikan komentar Senin.

Dalam meminta agar Texas diperbolehkan untuk meninggalkan negara itu, petisi yang dikutip "kesulitan ekonomi yang berasal dari kelalaian pemerintah federal untuk mereformasi pengeluaran domestik dan luar negeri." Ini menyatakan bahwa mengingat ukuran ekonomi Texas 'dan karena negara memiliki anggaran yang seimbang, akan "praktis layak untuk Texas untuk menarik diri dari serikat."

Petisi juga mengatakan pemerintah federal tidak berbagi nilai-nilai yang dianut oleh para Founding Fathers.

Tapi Carson berpendapat bahwa penulis dari Konstitusi Amerika Serikat membahas perlunya perubahan kebijakan melalui pemilu, bukan pemisahan diri.

Keberhasilan petisi itu membawa ketenaran semalam untuk Hurd, meskipun sebentar punya dia dalam kesulitan. Pada bulan Desember, seorang komandan resimen di Texas National Guard mengirimkan email kepada bawahannya, termasuk Hurd, mengatakan "penyebutan pemisahan yang lebih baik terjadi pada tempat sipil."

"Ini hanya bicara, dan bicara agak bodoh pada saat itu," tulis sang komandan. "Jika Anda sudah melakukan sesuatu untuk menarik perhatian untuk diri sendiri atau resimen kami dalam hal ini, membuatnya pergi."

Tapi beberapa hari kemudian, juru bicara Garda Nasional mengatakan Hurd tidak melakukan kesalahan dan bahwa "email memintanya untuk tidak berbicara tentang hal itu" seharusnya tidak dikirim.

Nomor telepon Hurd tidak dapat ditemukan oleh The Associated Press. Ayahnya, yang telah berbicara atas nama anaknya di masa lalu, tidak segera kembali pesan telepon.

LAS TEJAS SON MEJICA! USA gib back clay!

Quote: everyone involved in this story is missing one key thing. texas is called the lone star state because it is the one and only state that joined the union, and reserved to right to secede when ever it became the will of the texans to do so. at least, that was what i learned in 5th grade texas history class. unless the 'war of northern aggression' negated that agreement somehow, and there is something i am missing, then the white house has, once again lied.

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