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Cleaner steals train in Sweden, crashes into house, official says

Written By remi on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 | 6:07 PM

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Cleaner steals train in Sweden, crashes into house, official says
Jan 16th 2013, 01:04

A cleaning lady allegedly stole a Swedish train and drove it off the end of the tracks and smashed into a house outside Stockholm on Tuesday.

It was not clear how the woman, around 20, got access to the key needed to start the train. She was taken to hospital with serious injuries, but the train was carrying no other passengers as it was in the early hours and no one in the house was hurt.

A train cleaner was injured after police say she stole a train and crashed it into a house in Sweden. NBCNews.com's Dara Brown reports.

"The cleaner drove the train at high speed, considerably higher than normal on that stretch, to where the rails end and crashed into a house," said Jesper Pettersson, spokesman at Stockholm Public Transport (SL).

The train ploughed past the end of the line and vaulted over a street separating the house from the depot, crashing through a balcony and into a downstairs room in the upscale suburb of Saltsjobaden. SL and police were investigating how she had gained access to the cabin and been able to drive the train.


Spoiler for trenslet:
Seorang wanita pembersih diduga mencuri kereta Swedia dan mengendarainya dari ujung trek dan menabrak sebuah rumah di luar Stockholm, Selasa.

Tidak jelas bagaimana wanita itu, sekitar 20, mendapat akses ke kunci yang diperlukan untuk memulai kereta. Dia dibawa ke rumah sakit dengan luka serius, tapi kereta itu tidak membawa penumpang lain seperti di dini hari dan tidak ada seorang pun di rumah terluka.

Sebuah bersih kereta terluka setelah polisi bilang bahwa ia mencuri kereta api dan jatuh ke sebuah rumah di Swedia.

"Bersih melaju kereta dengan kecepatan tinggi, jauh lebih tinggi dari normal pada peregangan itu, ke mana akhir rel dan menabrak sebuah rumah," kata Jesper Pettersson, juru bicara Stockholm Public Transport (SL).

Kereta dibajak melewati ujung garis dan melompati jalan memisahkan rumah dari depot, menerjang melalui balkon dan masuk ke ruang bawah di pinggiran kelas atas Saltsjobaden. SL dan polisi sedang menyelidiki bagaimana ia memperoleh akses ke kabin dan mampu mendorong kereta.

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