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Obama: Benyamin Netanyahu Adalah Seorang Yang Pengecut

Written By remi on Thursday, January 17, 2013 | 4:42 PM

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Obama: Benyamin Netanyahu Adalah Seorang Yang Pengecut
Jan 17th 2013, 23:56

JERUSALEM â?? Barack Obama sees Benjamin Netanyahu as a â??political cowardâ?? whose policies pose a greater threat to Israelâ??s existence than Iranâ??s nuclear program because he does not know what is in the countryâ??s best interests, it is claimed.

The damning assessment of the Israeli prime minister, relayed by senior White House officials to an American journalist, Jeffrey Goldberg, is the most graphic sign yet of the toxic relationship between the two men, who have clashed continually over the stalled Middle East peace process.

Writing on the Bloomberg website, Goldberg quoted Mr Obama as repeatedly saying, â??Israel doesnâ??t know what its own best interests areâ?? in response to a spate of recent announcements for thousands of new Jewish settler homes in east Jerusalem and the West Bank on land the Palestinians want for a future state.

Mr Obama did not even bother getting angry after hearing of Israelâ??s decision to build in a highly-sensitive West Bank area called E1 â?? previously considered off-limits in deference to American pressure.

Instead, he told aides it was the kind of self-defeating behaviour he had come to expect from Mr Netanyahu, according to Goldberg, who is renowned for having close ties to both leaders.

The president believes each new settlement announcement is driving Israel towards a â??near totalâ?? international isolation that presents a greater long-term threat to its survival than Iranâ??s nuclear programme, which American and Israeli officials believe is aimed at producing a bomb.

â??If Israel, a small state in an inhospitable region, becomes more of a pariah â?? one that alienates even the affections of the US, its last steadfast friend â?? it wonâ??t survive,â?? Goldberg writes, paraphrasing Mr Obamaâ??s words. â??Iran poses a short-term threat to Israelâ??s survival; Israelâ??s own behaviour poses a long-term one.â?? Mr Obama also believes the Israeli prime minister is a â??political cowardâ?? who is incapable of making concessions to the Palestinians because he has â??become captive of Jewish settler lobbyâ??.


Spoiler for "Bahasa":
Salah satu orang kepercayaan Presiden Barack Obama, Jeffrey Goldberg yang berprofesi sebagai jurnalis mengungkapkan orang nomor satu Amerika Serikat itu menyebut Perdana Mentri Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu disebut pengecut. Menurut Goldberg, Sebutan itu dilontarkan Obama karena Israel tak menampakkan itikad baiknya dalam upaya damai Israel Palestina.

Goldberg yang berprofesi sebagai jurnalis itu berbicara secara tertutup kepada MEMO, seperti dilaporkan surat kabar Israel Haaretz (17/1). Goldberg juga mengklaim Obama telah menuding Netanyahu menyebabkan Israel terisolasi di dunia internasional karena keputusannya untuk membangun beberapa unit pemukiman di zona E1.

Surat kabar Haaretz juga menyatakan bahwa selama beberapa minggu terakhir Presiden Obama berkomentar tajam tentang Netanyahu. Dia mengatakan bahwa, dia tidak mengerti apa kepentingan Israel. Surat kabar itu menyebut Goldberg sebagai orang yang sangat dipercaya Obama.

Goldberg menggambarkan momen ketika Obama diberitahu tentang keputusan Netanyahu untuk melanjutkan pembangunan pemukiman di wilayah E1 antara Yerusalem dan Maale Adumim. â??Presiden tidak marah, tetapi mengatakan bahwa dia dimanfaatkan atas perilaku dari Netanyahu," ungkap Goldberg

Dia menambahkan bahwa Obama menjadi acuh tak acuh terhadap Perdana Menteri Israel yang dianggapny berperilaku merusak diri sendiri.

Dalam beberapa minggu setelah pengakuan Palestina di PBB, Obama mengatakan, "Israel tidak tahu kepentingan yang sesungguhnya dan setiap pengumuman baru untuk pembangunan atau perluasan pemukiman, hanya menjadikan Netanyahu sebagai pemimpin yang terasing dari di dunia internasional."

Merampok! Itulah alasan Israel sesungguhnya.

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