China menjatuhkan hukuman denda USD 56 jt kepada 6 pabrik (termasuk Samsung dan LG) atas tuduhan kartelisasi
China: NDRC Imposed Stiff Fines on Multinational LCD Manufacturers in China’s First Antitrust Enforcement Action against International Cartels
On Jan 4th, the National Development and Reform Commission ("NDRC") published that they had imposed fines in a total amount of RMB 353 million (approximately USD 56 million) on 6 LCD panel manufacturers, including Samsung and LG of Korea and ChiMei, AU Optronics, Chunghwa Picture Tubes and HannStar from Taiwan region. This is China's first antitrust enforcement action against international cartels. It also imposes the highest penalties in China's antitrust enforcement history.
According to the press releases of NDRC on its official website1, during the period from 2001 to 2006, the 6 LCD manufacturers, which accounted for about 80% of the global LCD panel market, convened 53 meetings in Taiwan and Korea to exchange market information and negotiate the price of LCD panels. NDRC received complaints on the cartel from major Chinese TV makers in December 2006. The TV makers also reported non-price related misconducts of the panel manufacturers, including providing an 18-month warranty only and failing to provide high-end products in a timely manner.
During the investigation, NDRC adopted the tactics of exerting continuous pressure on the companies with investigative efforts on one hand, and using leniency to encourage the companies to voluntarily report the cartel on the other hand. Such strategy was later proved to be effective. AU Optronics first confessed the illegal behaviors to NDRC, and it was followed by the other manufacturers.
In result, financial penalties in the amount of RMB 353 million were imposed. The penalties were composed of three parts: restitution of the past overcharge of RMB 172 million (approximately USD 27 million) to domestic TV enterprises, confiscation of unlawful gains of RMB 36.75 million (approximately USD 5.8 million) and fines of RMB 144 million (approximately USD 23 million). AU Optronics was exempted from the fines being the first successful applicant for leniency, but it was nonetheless required to pay the rest of the penalties.
Besides the monetary sanctions, the 6 LCD manufacturers also promised to take corrective measures, including first, to strictly obey Chinese laws and regulations, second, to provide Chinese TV makers with high-end products on a non-discriminatory basis, and third, to extend the warranty period of the panels to 36 months.
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To sum up, NDRC menjatuhkan sanksi denda kepada 6 pabrik LCD besar, yang menguasai 80% pasar LCD di dunia, atas tuduhan kartelisasi dan monopoli (antitrust law). Mereka terbukti dan mengaku melakukan 53 pertemuan di Taiwan dan Korea utk membagi informasi pasar dan menyepakati harga LCD bersama2.
Ini adalah suatu penemuan yang baik dan patut diapresiasi untuk pemerintah China, umumnya berpengaruh positih kepada para konsumer di seluruh dunia, dan khususnya preseden hukum yg baik di China.
Jika cb kita lihat secara berimbang, ada beberapa perubahan mendasar yg coba dilakukan pemerintah China, sebagai anggota WTO, dalam membenahi hukum nya terutama yg berkaitan dengan bidang perdagangan (walaupun dapat didebatkan laju yg lambat dari pembenahan itu sendiri).
Sekitar akhir tahun 2011 sewaktu melanjutkan pendidikan tingkat atas, saya pernah mendapatkan kesempatan kunjungan dosen tamu dari salah satu law firm ternama di UK yang membicarakan mengenai perkembangan hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual/HAKI (Intellectual Property Law) di China. Sebagai sebuah kekuatan ekonomi baru, dan dengan cap negatif atas pelanggaran2 HAKI yang masih melekat hingga sekarang ini, tentunya menarik untuk membicarakan perkembanagn nya disana. Banyak contoh kasus/'case law' yang memberikan hukuman2 berat kepada perusahaan2 yang melanggar HAKI secara terang2an di China, sehingga sedikit banyak memberikan suatu warning ke perusahaan2 di sana.
Kepastian hukum merupakan salah satu point penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara, sebagai org yang bersinggungan dengan dunia hukum, saya pribadi sanagt prihatin dengan slogan "supremasi hukum" di Indonesia.
Jika kita lihat memang banyak berita positif atas perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia ke depannya, tapi tentu saja ini tergantung, sedikitnya, pada pembenahan birokrasi, infrastruktur, dan hukum di Indonesia sendiri.
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