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Setelah Chief Apple iOS dipecat, Chief OS Windows juga lengser

Written By remi on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 | 12:35 AM

Steven Sinofsky, head of Windows operating system, has packed up the knick-knacks he had accumulated on his desk over the nearly 25 years he had worked at Microsoft and left its offices for the last time.

The departure of such a big-time exec, announced late Monday, is big news, considering it happened just weeks after the release of Windows 8,

Unfortunately, the company hasn't exactly been transparent about the decisions (mutual or otherwise) that led to the move. Sure, Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer wrote that "Sinofsky has decided to leave the company," but didn't say much more. So what was the real reason Sinofsky left?

That was the question tech reporters had Tuesday. Some dusted off Rolodexes and called up sources at Microsoft to figure it out. Others just openly speculated. In either case, here are five theories put forward to explain Sinofsky's departure:

  • He Really Wanted To Be CEO, But That Wasn't Happening Anytime Soon, since the company's current CEO, Steve Ballmer, had told colleagues he will stay until 2017 or 2018
  • People Thought He Was A Jerk. Windows needed a more collaborative leader willing to work with other execs within the company.
  • Windows Sales Were Slipping. Maybe, the speculation goes, Windows 8 or Surface, which Sinofsky oversaw, weren't selling. CEO Steve Ballmer said soon before SInofsky's departure was announced that the Surface tablet was selling "modestly." While exact sales figures for either product haven't been made public, there's some indication that Sinofsky's performance was slipping.
  • Microsoft Might Hire Apple's Former iOS Boss. Scott Forstall, former head of Apple's mobile operating system, left Cupertino in October after the launch of iOS 6.
  • There Were Shinier Prizes To Be Had Elsewhere. He said "After more than 23 years working on a wide range of Microsoft products, I have decided to leave the company to seek new opportunities that build on these experiences"


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